Wednesday, October 12, 2005

[Plame Affair]

Judy's Testimony

More words have been devoted to the players in the Plame leak (see primer here) over the past few days than poor Gary Condit got (well--probably not). I've mostly ignored it, because it seems mainly to involve intricate tapestries of conjecture woven of rumor and assumption. I admit that even my eyebrows rose with this news today:
New York Times reporter Judith Miller on Wednesday gave prosecutors details of a previously undisclosed conversation she had with Vice President Dick Cheney's chief of staff, adding a new dimension to the criminal investigation into the leak of a covert CIA officer's identity.
I still don't want to indulge in speculation, but more and more, it looks like Fitzgerald (the prosecutor) has something serious.

(Other commentary at the Huffington Post--not so newsworthy, but catty.)

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