Wednesday, October 26, 2005


Who Will Be Indicted?

Who will Patrick Fitzgerald indict? This is emerging as the favorite parlor game among (delighted) liberal and (despairing) conservative wonkie types. So, despite my woeful record in past predictions (Dean winning Iowa, Kerry winning the general election), I will nevertheless charge bravely forth and play the parlor game du jour. I will say I haven't a clue about what people will be indicted for--though it seems more likely that Fitzgerald has uncovered a nest of perjury and justice obstruction, rather than illegal leaking. Based on that, here we go...

Definitely Indicted
Rove and Libby. No matter what happens on the direct leaking business, the evidence that these guys lied to the grand jury seems pretty bulletproof.

Maybe Indicted
John Hannah.

Unlikely Dark Horses
Ari Fleischer and Scotty Boy McClellan (though I don't think McClellan's clever enough to have lied).

Jackpot Motherload
Big Time.

It seems likely that smaller fish, about whom we know little--functionaries in the Veep's office and so on--will also get caught in Fitzgerald's net. The prediction I feel most confident about now is this: the likelihood that no one gets indicted now seems vanishingly small.

Care to guess?

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