Wednesday, December 07, 2005


Waffling Dems.

An article today titled "Democrats Fear Backlash at Polls for Antiwar Remarks" hints that, despite gross corruption and incompetence, the Dems may bungle their chance to appeal to Americans.
The critics said that comment could reinforce popular perceptions that the party is weak on military matters and divert attention from the president's growing political problems on the war and other issues. "Dean's take on Iraq makes even less sense than the scream in Iowa: Both are uninformed and unhelpful," said Rep. Jim Marshall (D-Ga.), recalling Dean's famous election-night roar after stumbling in Iowa during his 2004 presidential bid.
Not to put too fine a point on this, but is it possible that the reason Americans don't trust Dems is because they worry more about saying something politically charged than about saying what they believe? Just a thought.

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