Wednesday, January 11, 2006

[Civil Liberties]

This Is How Japanese Americans Got Jailed.

Here's a prediction for the new year: polls will continue to find that Americans think they have too many rights, and confonted with the possibility of terrorist attack, will gladly waive them. That's what the Washington Post found. Two-thirds say the government should "investigate possible terrorist threats, even if that intrudes on personal privacy."

What do you bet those two-thirds are overwhelmingly white Americans who hear that question and think not of their own rights, but of browner, less Christian people? Frame the question so that they respondents would have to explicitly sacrifice their own rights, well, maybe you'd lose some of the margin there. (And, since most Republicans are in favor of autocratic presidential power, might be nice to have a question reflect your personal sacrifice of rights to Hillary Clinton. And then the margin gets a little worse.)

In wartime, you always have to keep an eye on those citizens who are willing to sacrifice your rights to protect their own butts.


SAW said...

The solution to King George:
MASSIVE GENERAL STRIKES across the country at all levels of society EVERY FRIDAY. It's a simple thing to remember and hard to supress.

Either simply stay home or go to massive peaceful gatherings in public places on that day. This in lieu of accepting being treated like serfs in a banana republic by the Monkey Boy, robbed, spied upon, left to die, used as tools of empire. Fuck this, folks.

MASSIVE GENERAL STRIKES until the bastard leaves office.

Pass the word to everyone you know, bloggers. Let's get this thing going. Our lives may depend on it.

Anonymous said...

hurray for scared whities. without them we wouldn't have suburbs.