Saturday, February 04, 2006

[GOP Corruption]

Cheney Was the Source of the Plame Leak.

Here's something that surprises me not at all: Scooter Libby learned about Valerie Plame's identity from his boss, the Veep.
His opinion disclosed that the former chief of staff, I. Lewis Libby Jr., acknowledged to prosecutors that he had heard directly from Mr. Cheney about the Central Intelligence Agency officer, Valerie Wilson, more than a month before her identity was first publicly disclosed on July 14, 2003, by a newspaper columnist.
In my increasingly exhausted state of cynicism, I must say that it seems likely to amount to a hill of beans. Yes, the administration is corrupt, stupid, and evil. Yes, we knew that in 2002. No, Americans still don't give a damn. La la la, there goes the democracy...

1 comment:

Neil Shakespeare said...

"there goes the democracy"...Indeed.