Thursday, February 14, 2008

Obama's Toughness

Here at the Obama News Channel, we've been chafing lately at this claim that Obama is a shrinking violet who will wither under the assaults of the McCain machine (which is arguably in cahoots with the Clinton machine). Maybe not:

The Center for Responsive Politics has a new study out which finds that [Obama and Clinton] have donated a total of more than $890,000 to those super-delegates who are elected officials in the past three years. Who's donated more? Obama has, by far.

According to the study, Obama's PAC and campaign committe have given out $694,000 to such superdelegates. Some 40% of the supers who support Obama received cash from him, the study finds.

Hillary's PAC and campaign committee, meanwhile, have donated only $195,000 to supers, less than a third of what Obama has, and only 12% of supers supporting her have received her money.
We have become so used to "tough" being a synonym for "butt-stoopid," thanks to half-witted GOP rule that we've forgotten how smart politics can even playing fields.

Also, you'll notice a new feature here on the OBC--tracking polls from's data. At present, only the numbers in Ohio and Wisconsin reflect very recent polling. But this will form the baseline and I'll chart it as we move forward. Delegate totals are pledged delegates only and are taken from this list. The trend, of course, is Obama's versus Hillary. All referents on the OBC are, of course, Obama.

Stay tuned for the next update of the OBC.

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