Monday, September 26, 2005


Cindy Sheehan Arrested

Cindy Sheehan was apparently arrested today with other protesters outside the White House. It was intentional. For those of you following the nutty right, they're in a lather: see Michelle Malkin and Powerline for the usual commentary.

Personally, I'm afraid Cindy has confused, rather than clarified, the left's position on the war. Although she's turned the righties apoplectic with rage, she doesn't exactly come off as a clear organizer for the left. Is the issue the pullout? George Bush's culpability following a mendacious campaign to take us to war? Political opportunism?

I fear Sheehan may end up driving the left over a cliff unless actual leaders step forward with something coherent. It's cool that she has captured the mood of the nation, but should a distraught mother be driving foreign policy for the Democratic Party?


Anonymous said...

The right seems to have no real clue how to handle her, so if anything, she's making the playing field more level.

p copenhagen said...

haha - the right doesnt even have to handle her - she handles herself well enough as a bumbling fool :-)

grieving mother? - well she had a big smile on her face being carried away at the protest...

a. her son died in iraq volunteering for a second tour - he WANTED to serve

b. she has already met with bush one time before - that was the "not angry-passionate-buzz bitch' cindy personality.

c. all of her demonstration brings the left to a new low each day... as she disgraces herself and moreover her own sons legacy

Jeff Alworth said...

Philo, your invective about Cindy--who is indeed, never mind the invective, a grieving mother--says more about your motives than hers.

Anonymous said...

the fact that a grieving mother is driving the foreign policy while the Dems are simply stumbling around, says a lot about the state of the Democratic party.

she's gathered the collective spirit of the left and actually made a stand against the neo-cons while the Dems stand around making concessions and faltering on their message (do they have one).

let her go at it, it can't make things any worse for a party with no leadership or message.

aside - philo021, you are a crap head.

Anonymous said...

she's a nut case you can see it in her eyes and by the people she put herself around,if I came across her in my town i'd spit on her theres no reson to give her any air time. the "left" has forgoten 911 i have not. send her to Bagdad see how long she'd live before getting her head cut off.
hell i'd buy her ticket.

Anonymous said...

CSD, you seem pretty angry. That seems like a natural reaction to someone who doesn't feel like they understand something enough and feels taken down by others who seem to have a handle on the state of things. As far as 9/11 goes, the left has taken more time looking at American policies following the tragedy than the right has, leading up to the shit like U.S. Soldiers posting photos of Iraqi corpses with "humorous" captions. If Bush and company had taken a more serious approach than the one they've been constantly bungling along the way, perhaps things would be going better and troop withdrawl could have been a simpler, more realistic option. Decency is treating others like you want to be treated, and people like Cindy Sheehan could do without any of the violence that's occurring in the world, much less the middle east. The people who volunteer to become soldiers do so with no power over what they'll ultimately be made to do, but I hope that most of them believe it will be for the best possible purpose. Iraq is a gigantic error no matter what good has come from Saddam's removal from power, and we've taken ourselves past a point where true stability is a strong possibility. I wouldn't wish anyone to go into Baghdad now, and for that to be your final word shows just how confused you really are.