Thursday, January 05, 2006


Bush Spying on CNN?

How bout this random tidbit to start out the day: AmericaBlog has some fairly decent evidence that Bush may have been spying on CNN's Christiane Amanpour.

Background: We reported earlier today that NBC's Andrea Mitchell, while interviewing New York Times' reporter James Risen (the man who broke the domestic spying scandal) asked Risen if there was any evidence to suggest Bush was spying on US journalists. When Risen said none that he knew of, Mitchell then pressed the issue again and asked if there was any evidence that Bush was spying on CNN's Christiane Amanpour. We reported on the fact that Mitchell seemed to know something, and shortly thereafter NBC deleted the section of the transcript dealing with Amanpour....

NBC has acknowledged that they have information to suggest that Bush may have spied (be spying) on CNN's Christiane Amanpour and that NBC is currently investigating that very possibility. This isn't just conjecture anymore, NBC has confirmed it.
Needless to say, this could be a significant story--shades of Nixon's "enemy list." Hmmm.

Oh, and congrats to the Longhorns and USC, who gave us one king hell of a fine game last night. And to Vince Young, who did the impossible by overshadowing Reggie Bush.


Anonymous said...

realizen i dont know nuthin 'bout no
point spread.

Jeff Alworth said...

Guinney, please. Extra stout--none o' that draft crap.

Anonymous said...

aha, mixing sports in with your political posts...trying to fool us sport-haters eh?