Friday, January 12, 2007

Polarization, An Alternate Definition

Andrew Sullivan quotes Mystery Pollster Mark Blumenthal, whose analysis of post-speech reaction went like this:
Both polls show similarly strong polarization, with most Republicans favoring a troop surge, and most independents and Democrats in opposition.
This is a rather slack-jawed frame, don't you think? Independents and Democrats represent two-thirds of the American public. Some might call that a large majority. The Republicans represent a recalcitrant minority, unable to accept reality and willing to go down with whatever ship George W. Bush captains.

The MSM have created what appears to be one of the most bulletproof memes in politics--that because the Republican core are barking mad and no one else in America agrees with them, this is an example of polarization. Actually, it means that the majority of the country is sane. This apparently excludes the MSM.

(And Blumenthal's a liberal.)


Chuck Butcher said...

I wish I thought the majority were sane, I think they're just tired. Sanity woulld involve asking hard questions BEFORE going to war, not mid-debacle. It doesn't seem quite right that one adult life ought to include two times around with this shit.

Zakariah Johnson said...

"The Republicans represent a recalcitrant minority, unable to accept reality and willing to go down with whatever ship George W. Bush captains."

That's right, and they never will be able to accept reality because the right wing, and to a lesser extent the American south where it is so entrenched, to a large degree represents a paranoid personality type that cannot accept a world without imminent threats. Whether or not the threats are real is immaterial to them--they make the threats real. This paranoia continued and grew as they cultivated it over the last 14 years in power. Now that they are truly out of power, look for a real surge of mania as they thrash about to lay blame on everyone but themselves.

I don't think a lot of the right wing really cares half so much about finding a solution in Iraq that is beneficial to America as they do about turning the defeat they are leading us to over there into a cudgel with which to beat their domestic opposition--whom they view as their true mortal enemies.