Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Ohio Exits Interesting

Hmmm, what do you think this means? Obama wins every region in Ohio except NE, where Hillary won decisively.
Region (% of tot.)______ Clinton________Obama
Cuyahoga County (15%)
______41%__________ 59%
Northeastern Ohio (35%)
____61% __________39%
Central Ohio (21%)
_________48% __________51%
Northwestern Ohio (11%)
____44% __________55%
Southwestern Ohio (18%)
____49% __________51%

However, Hillary's winning everything else. Of particular interest for those who read tea leaves. People who decided in the last three days voted for Clinton 59% to 41%. Why? Playing the victim card seems to have worked. Despite deploying the slime machine, only 62% of Obama voters thought Clinton attacked unfairly. But among Clinton voters, 71% thought Obama had attacked unfairly.

The age split is also predictable, if stark. Hillary won everyone over 50, Obama everyone below. Clinton's population was smaller (45%), but her margins were bigger. So, just in case you're hoping for an upset, doesn't look like it's gonna happen.

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