Meanwhile, Trump’s legal team—honestly, what a bunch of clowns—argued that anything Trump does to get re-elected is fine, since doing so is in service of the public interest. Their “defense” amounted to little more than a re-enactment of Trump tweets.
It is increasingly unthinkable the GOP will let anyone take the stand
with actual knowledge of the case, even if they could somehow rig a deal
to smear Trump’s rival in the deal. At this point, Dems shouldn’t fight
too hard. It’s been a show trial from the start, one so ham-handed and
unconvincing most despots would have been embarrassed. Letting it
continue will only give it the veneer of legitimacy.
Better that history see this spectacle in its starkest terms: a corrupt president caught rigging an election with the help of a foreign government, and a party completely unconflicted about letting it happen. It’s a disgrace, a humiliating fall for a country so recently full of arrogance about its “exceptionalism,” and the whole tawdry affair needs to stand as a permanent stain to remind us just how imperfect the union still is.
Better that history see this spectacle in its starkest terms: a corrupt president caught rigging an election with the help of a foreign government, and a party completely unconflicted about letting it happen. It’s a disgrace, a humiliating fall for a country so recently full of arrogance about its “exceptionalism,” and the whole tawdry affair needs to stand as a permanent stain to remind us just how imperfect the union still is.
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